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Assist. Prof. Dr. HamidReza Mirzaei | Mass Spectrometry | Best Researcher Award

Assist. Prof. Dr. HamidReza Mirzaei , Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute (NSTRI) , Iran

Dr. H. R. Mirzaei is an Associate Professor specializing in ion sources and accelerators, currently affiliated with the Nuclear Science and Technology Research Institute (NSTRI) in Tehran, Iran. With a strong academic and research foundation in plasma physics and nuclear engineering, he has been instrumental in advancing the field of electrostatic accelerators and ion source technologies. His expertise extends to plasma simulations and the design of RF and microwave ion sources. Dr. Mirzaei’s contributions include collaboration on the construction of a 150 keV electrostatic accelerator and the development of cutting-edge plasma and ion source systems. He has authored numerous research publications in high-impact journals, focusing on plasma science, simulation, and experimental physics. As a member of the Van de Graaff Laboratory, he remains deeply involved in advancing accelerator technology for various scientific and industrial applications.

Professional Profile



Summary of Suitability for Award:

Dr. H. R. Mirzaei’s exceptional achievements, innovative research, and dedication to advancing plasma physics and accelerator technology make him a highly suitable candidate for the “Best Researcher Awards.” His work not only demonstrates scientific rigor but also practical applications, reflecting the award’s emphasis on research excellence and societal impact. Recognizing Dr. Mirzaei would honor his substantial contributions to science and inspire continued innovation in the field.His contributions include the successful construction of a 150 keV electrostatic accelerator, the design of innovative plasma simulation systems, and groundbreaking studies on overdense plasma in ECR ion sources. With a robust academic background in nuclear engineering and electrical engineering, he has published extensively in high-impact journals, advancing the understanding of plasma science and its applications.


Dr. H. R. Mirzaei pursued his academic journey with a Bachelor of Science in Electrical Engineering from Zanjan University, Iran. Building on his foundational knowledge in engineering, he earned a Master of Science in Nuclear Engineering from Amirkabir University, Tehran. His passion for plasma and accelerator technologies led him to complete a Ph.D. in Nuclear Engineering at the same institution in 2013. Throughout his education, Dr. Mirzaei focused on the intersection of plasma physics and nuclear engineering, honing his expertise in ion sources, electrostatic accelerators, and advanced simulation techniques. His academic achievements laid the groundwork for a successful career in research and development in the field of plasma and accelerator physics.

🏢Work Experience:

Dr. Mirzaei has amassed extensive experience in plasma physics and accelerator technologies. He has been pivotal in the development and construction of a 150 keV electrostatic accelerator and played a significant role in designing and constructing RF and microwave-based ion sources. His expertise has been instrumental in advancing the Van de Graaff Laboratory’s capabilities, where he is an active member. Dr. Mirzaei’s professional endeavors also include leading simulation studies of overdense plasma, optimizing plasma startup methods in tokamaks, and developing resonant plasma sources for space plasma simulation chambers. His collaborative efforts span diverse projects, integrating theoretical, simulation, and practical expertise to innovate in ion source and electrostatic accelerator technologies.


Dr. Mirzaei has received recognition for his outstanding contributions to plasma physics and accelerator research. His efforts in developing the Taban Tokamak and pioneering ion source technologies have earned accolades within the scientific community. He has been invited to present his work at numerous international conferences and has received awards for his contributions to accelerator physics and plasma simulation techniques. Additionally, Dr. Mirzaei’s innovative approaches to plasma source optimization and RF power design have led to notable achievements in the field, further solidifying his reputation as a leading expert in ion source and electrostatic accelerator development.

🔬Research Focus:

Dr. Mirzaei’s research focuses on plasma physics, ion source development, and electrostatic accelerators. His work includes designing advanced RF and microwave plasma sources, optimizing plasma startup techniques for tokamaks, and performing simulation studies of overdense plasma in electron cyclotron resonance (ECR) ion sources. He is particularly interested in the practical applications of ion sources in accelerators, including their use in space plasma simulation chambers and industrial processes. His ongoing projects aim to bridge the gap between theoretical models and experimental implementations, contributing to advancements in accelerator and plasma science.

Publication Top Notes:

Analytical solution versus the Monte Carlo simulation for studying the H+ beam neutralization in H2 gas target neutralizer

Authors: Masoumzadeh, A., Habibi, M., Mirzaei, H.R.

Citations: 0

Year: 2024

Design and simulation of an S-Band tunable solid-state power amplifier as an RF injector into a miniature ECR ion source

Authors: Rahimpour, H., Mirzaei, H., Satri, M.Y., Mobaraki, Z.R.

Citations: 0

Year: 2022

Simulation of ionospheric heating in Iran coordinates with SAMI2 model

Authors: Mirzaei, H., Asadnejad, R., Mahdavi, H., Mohammadiha, A., Kazemi, M.

Citations: 0

Year: 2022

Analysis and design of microwave resonant plasma source for Iranian Space Plasma Simulation Chamber

Authors: Mirzaei, H.R., Kazemi, M., Etaati, G., Kafshgari, M.K., Jelodar, H.R.

Citations: 1

Year: 2022

Analysis and design of a 2.45 GHz RF power source for a miniature electron cyclotron resonance ion source

Authors: Rahimpour, H., Mirzaei, H., Satri, M.Y.

Citations: 1

Year: 2022

The Effect of Removing the High Power Pulse Transformer on the Microwave Pulse Duration in the Preionization Phase in Taban Tokamak

Authors: Rostamifard, D., Amrollahi, R., Iraji, D., Mirzaei, H.

Citations: 0

Year: 2020

Optimizing the Plasma startup through ECR plasma pre-ionization in Taban Tokamak via Triple Langmuir probe

Authors: Mirzaei, H.R., Amrollahi, R., Ghasemi, M.

Citations: 6

Year: 2020

First Results and Plasma Current Start-Up in Taban Tokamak

Authors: Mirzaei, H.R., Amrollahi, R.

Citations: 2

Year: 2019

Observation and investigation of runaway electrons in the start-up phase of Taban Tokamak

Authors: Mirzaei, H., Amrollahi, R., Iraji, D., Rostamifard, D.

Citations: 1

Year: 2019

Alborz tokamak system engineering and design

Authors: Amrollahi, R., Iraji, D., Ghasemi, M., Omrani, M., Souri, S.

Citations: 5

Year: 2019





Assist. Prof. Dr. HamidReza Mirzaei | Mass Spectrometry | Best Researcher Award

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